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6 Remarkable Weight Loss Resistant Strategies that will Help to Transform Your Body

Weight Loss Resistant Strategies

Most times, people stick to a weight loss plan doing everything correctly, but keep noticing that their efforts are not yielding any positive result- that is weight loss resistance.

Have you observed a series of science-backed strategies to burn out fat, yet you aren’t seeing the result? That is weight loss resistant.

You have limited the intake of calories, cut from processed foods, exercised, yet no results. Observed optimal protein, fiber, and diet on fruits and vegetables, still, the pounds in your weight refuse to come off.

That is referred to as weight loss resistant, in other words, plateauing. A state of little or no change after a period of progressive activity.

Weight loss resistance is the inability to shed lbs on weekly even with strict rules. This definition was given by JJ Virgin, a certified holistic nutrition specialist, and a nutritional counselor describes

Certain factors have been attributed to weight loss resistance. These factors include adrenal imbalance, microbial imbalance or maladaptation on or inside the body. Others are genetics, food allergies or senilities and over-the-counter medications.

JJ Virgin also added that hormone imbalance is the major problem for weight loss and weight gain. Hormone imbalances matter more than calories but often neglected. And most of those imbalances are centered on insulin.

This article has been designed to provide readers with 6 remarkable plans of action on weight loss resistant strategies that will help to transform your body.

  1. Detoxify Your System

Toxicity is linked with weight loss resistant said by dietetic professionals. Toxic chemicals in the human body cause weight gain, so detoxification improves weight loss.

Toxin is the major factor that disrupts blood sugar control and by so doing hinders weight loss or weight management. Those toxins that disrupt blood sugar control are known as diabetes.

Almost everything that enters the human body by any means bombards the system with toxins, from the food we eat to the contaminated air we breathe in.

Scientific study in the weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal, Lancet revealed that environmental toxins could quickly cause fat gain and even diabetes.

Insulin resistance and sex hormone imbalances can also be a sign of a highly toxic body burden in most cases.

Therefore, to do away with toxins in the body, you need to detoxify your system by drinking excess water, eating more of fruits and vegetables as well as other detox diets.

With these, your body will be fully equipped to handle toxins and other unwanted substances that hinder your weight loss.

  1. Moderate your Insulin levels

Insulin is the fat-storage hormone that causes weight gain and resists weight loss most of the time. It is known to be the major hormone for weight loss resistance.

Hormone insulin works in the human body to control the amount of blood sugar. However, when insulin resistance becomes the case the body cells fail to respond properly to the insulin.

Your insulin is a king of a storage device in the body system; it stores fat very well for later use especially the fat resulting from wrong food – dangerous fat.

The majority of foods we eat tend to raise insulin levels more than others. One of them is redefined carbohydrates which rapidly break down to sugar in the bloodstream causing the most profound effect on insulin.

Studies reveal that almost no food contains pure dietary fat. So while trying to loos weight, be mindful of what you consume because foods that contain carbohydrates encourage the highest amount of fat storage.

Note that other hormones like cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline, glucagon and human growth hormone help to prevent blood sugar from spiking.

However, insulin is a powerful hormone such that these aforementioned hormones counterbalance its effects.

Finally, when problems crop up from high levels of insulin, other hormones get disordered quickly causing additional disaster to the system.

Toxicity and insulin resistance always feed off each other thereby causing weight loss resistance.

  1. Reduce Calories Intake

Calorie intake contributes greatly to weight loss resistant. One of the best strategies to tackle this issue is to trim down the number of calories consumed daily.

Watch your daily meal including your snack. Opt-in for low-calorie snacks which are weight loss friendly preferred over meat pies, cheese and other sugary things from fast food joints.

Remember that your body is a kind of laboratory that is why the calories-in-calories-out method is woefully outdated. This method fails to give account for the numerous variables that can affect fat loss.

One thing that matters a lot with our diet is calories. The body stores excess calories from the food we eat somewhere typically as fat.

This now leads to weight loss resistance which occurs most times from something our diet plan fails to understand tagged hormonal imbalance.

  1. Beware of Thyroid Fatigue

Triiodothyronine, T3 is a thyroid hormone that affects most of the physiological processes in the body such as metabolism, body temperature, growth, and development.

The point here is that thyroid fatigue can inhibit the ability to build up muscle, rate of metabolism and overall wellbeing.

Low thyroid function has common signals which include weight loss resistance, constipation, depression, muscle-building inhibition, low body temperature, fatigue, and others.

Another remarkable weight loss resistant strategy is to check thyroid stimulating hormone; triiodothyronine, and thyroid antibody levels whenever you notice weight loss hindrance.

Slightly improved thyroid-stimulating hormone or low levels of T3 can be caused by chronic stress, gluten intolerance, low iodine or selenium levels and heavy metals.

For this reason, one needs to know how well the body triggers an inactive thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Always checkmate your T4 (thyroxine), T3 and THS to help your doctor figure out if there is a thyroid problem that can result in spite of a normal T3 result.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

Your body requires quality sleep daily. About seven regulating hormones in your body system become out of whack with too little or lack of sleep.

These hormones are cortisol, adiponectin, leptin, insulin, ghrelin, glucagon and growth hormone.

Studies have proved that when you lack enough sleep, you have automatically increased a hunger hormone, ghrelin and reduced levels of the satiety hormone, leptin which could cause overeating that leads to weight gain.

That is to say, that lack of sleep leads to significant weight gain. which is a resistance to all the weight loss effort you have been making.

At the University of Chicago, it was discovered that with a perfect weight loss plan but failure to get up to 8 hours of sleep each night, gets you to risk of weight gain.

  1. Know the Foods your body is Intolerance of

The inability to lose weight is linked with food intolerances or sensitivities. Food intolerances trigger leaky gut, inflammation and immune response.

Scientific researches proved that a gluten-free diet can diminish fat gain, insulin resistance, and inflammation.

The elimination diet is the solution here; practice to identify foods that your body is intolerant of, in which all suspected foods are excluded from the diet and then reintroduced one at a time.

An elimination diet for up to 2 or 3 weeks will actually provide an encouraging result to your weight loss.

If nothing seems to work out when these steps have been correctly applied, consult a healthcare professional or nutrition specialist.


Weight loss resistance is an uphill challenge that comes in different styles. It might be difficult for you to discover what causes yours but do not feel frustrated about losing weight.

Know the causes of weight loss resistance which are mentioned in the introductory part of this article. Additionally, dysbiosis also called dysbacteriosis can also contribute to that.

Following all the above-mentioned strategies will help you tackle the major overlooked culprits for weight loss resistance.

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