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HomeHealth & FitnessWeight LossAccomplish Bodyweight Strength Training Anywhere You are Using These 11 Effective Tips

Accomplish Bodyweight Strength Training Anywhere You are Using These 11 Effective Tips

Get Fit Without Weights, Gyms, or Bulky Exercise Equipment in 15 Minutes a Day Or Less

Bodyweight training can be accomplished from several exercise programs not minding the location.

There are various kinds of calisthenics that can help you get fit without carrying heavy exercise equipment.

Bodyweight exercises are great to boost your flexibility, strength, and balance without exerting strenuous weights on the body.

Most training exercises will utilize your weight to offer you resistance against gravity. There are tons of other workout exercises that you can perform at home without weights.

In this article, we are going to consider 11 ways to get fit without weights, gym or other exercise equipment. Keep reading carefully to the last point to get the full details.

1.      Squatting

Squatting is one of the incredible multi-tasking strength training exercises performed without any equipment. It provides strength for the hips, quadriceps, glutens, and hamstrings.

Being a core multi-joint exercise, it targets the correct muscle group that keeps you strong. Squatting is a kind of natural exercise that works mainly on the leg muscles and the major glutens to tone them up.

How to do squatting

  • Squatting starts in a standing position, position your feet hip-width apart while pointing your toes outwards to the front.
  • Put your arms shoulder by the sides, raise your torso while pulling the shoulders down.
  • Your knees should be bent as if you want to sit on a chair and should be kept rotated outwardly. Target to hang the arms loosely by your sides while trying to get up.
  • Keep the shoulders back towards each other, and then try to go below parallel while sliding in a squat.

Squatting is one of the ancient strength training exercises. It remains the best option for working out without equipment.

2.      Plyometric

Plyometric, in other words, called jump training or plyo is muscle toning exercise that targets heart health. It aids improved metabolism and overall body health.

  • Plyo exercise training can be performed in several ways by moving in quick and powerful ways.
  • The beginning marks an eccentric movement, which is followed up by a concentric action.
  • It is a kind of powerful aerobic exercise that imitates several dynamic sprint moves; it for strength boosting and endurance. Plyometric is completely effective in building up muscular power.

One good news about this exercise is that it can be performed daily even from the comfort of your home. But it is preferred to be done at least 3 times a week with other strength training.

3.      Lunges

A lunge is a single-leg bodyweight training that provides endurance and lower body strength. The quadriceps in the thighs and glutens are the key muscles being targeted by this exercise.

Probably, lunge requires stability during the performance which the calf muscles, the hamstring and the back muscles provide.

The lunge is a wonderful fitness exercise that offers benefits to the quads, muscles of the inner thighs, hips, core, glutens, and hamstrings.

  • Starting this exercise requires standing upright with your feet hip-width separated, and your core fully engaged.
  • Match any of your two legs (either right or left) forward to make a big step, and then move your weight frontward to cause the heel to touch the floor.
  • Bring the body low until the part side of the thigh which you started with gets parallel to the floor.
  • Then, press in the knee which you started with and drive back to the initial position, and repeat procedure for the other leg.

4.     Planks

Plank is an isometric exercise involving stable contraction of the muscle without any visible movement. This kind of exercise can practically get you in shape and fit always.

It works on the midsection using different patterns while following a step-by-step instruction. Your shoulder is engaged in the exercise as well as your back, hamstrings, arms, and glutens.

Plank is a foundational fitness exercise that is done in a similar way as push-up exercise. It is foundational because it is the starting point of most exercises for total-body moves.

This exercise will not only benefit your deep inner core but will also strengthen your diaphragm, transverse abdominal and multifidus.

  • A plank can be achieved by placing your knees on the floor and your hand straight under the shoulders.
  • A straight line position is therefore maintained through the top of your head while gazing at the floor.
  • You can gain stability by placing your feet separately wider than the feet distance.
  • Make your abdominals tighter, so also your glutes and quads and hold them closer for more challenges.
  1. Push-ups

Pushups are composite exercises that use different muscle groups at once.

The movement involved in push-ups requires different parts of the body including the biceps, core, triceps, and lower body.

All these body parts help to keep you stabilized during the exercise sessions. Using several body parts makes this exercise more effective than you think.

Above all, pushup exercises done correctly provides you with the correct posture, improves your heart health and overall fitness.

Pushups are among the popular fundamental exercises that can be done comfortably in your home.

  • To do a push up correctly, you have to position your hands-shoulder width in a bit wider position apart from each other.
  • Place your elbow is bent low towards the ground.
  1. Balancing poses

Balancing poses is a wonderful fitness exercise that requires upper body flexibility. With this exercise, you can be able to stretch your limbs and muscles in a more flexible way.

This kind of exercise requires no weight, just like others, and helps to improve posture and also build strength because of differing core and muscles in use.

Notably, a lot of benefits are involved in balancing poses. Each poses you perform helps to build up strength in several parts of the body, including the joints and muscles.

Again, it relieves stress, improves focus, concentration and stressful moments, and there is no specific way of performing balancing poses.

This exercise can be done in different ways to achieve the same result.

  1. Mountain climbing

This exercise seems too difficult for many people, but notwithstanding, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to climb a mountain.

Start mountain climber fitness exercise in a plank position mentioned earlier in this post. The basic concept behind mountain climber is that the mountain becomes the floor, where you begin the exercise.

  • From the plank position, you ought to interchange bringing one of the knees closer to your chest.
  • Take it back again and increase the speed at all times until you are running against the floor.

Mountain climber is a nice workout for core and quads strengthening and entire body fitness. Just like others, you need not exert weight to perform this workout.

  1. Triceps dip

Triceps dip is an upper-body strength training that trains the anterior deltoid, triceps, and other muscles including the rhomboid muscles of the back.

  • This workout can be practiced sliding off the buttocks frontward the seat you are using.
  • Then, extend your legs in front of the bench while keeping your arms straight.
  • Position your elbow to bend slightly to maintain tension on the triceps.
  • Bend your elbows low slowly until they are set in a perpendicular direction towards the floor.

Completing many sets of triceps dip will automatically strengthen the backside muscles of the upper arm.

When seeking to tone your arms, without any weight, gym exercises or bulky equipment, use triceps dip.

  1. Gluten bridges

Gluten bridges, sometimes called hip bridges, improve hip mobility and offer strength to the lower back. Its benefits mostly lower back pain but extend to other parts of the body.

Remarkably, you can achieve this workout without weight.

  • This exercise begins on the floor by lifting your toes slightly above the floor and pushing your heel a few inches away from the buttocks to activate the gluten.
  • As you push your heels through, lift your hip and try as you can to compress your glutens.
  • Try to form a slant line between the knees and the shoulder, while squeezing your gluten.
  • Stay still for at least 2 seconds before lowering your back to the floor.
  1. Deadbug exercise

Dead bug exercise training primarily targets to boost the anterior core stability. Additionally, it lessens the pressure on the lower back and strengthens the core.

You can perform dead bug exercises by;

  • Lying directly on the floor while facing the ceiling.
  • Put your arms and legs in the air and bend your knees perpendicular. Allow your lower back to touch the floor while maintaining support to your core.
  • Bring your right leg low gradually, until your heels reach the ground. Also, allow your left arm to touch the floor over your head.
  1. Jumping rope

Rope jumping or skipping is a very interesting workout for all fitness levels. You burn excess calories through rope jumping and stay fit all through the day.

One interesting fact about skipping is that it adds a little fun to your fitness exercise. Jumping rope regularly reduces risks associated with lower leg-injury.

There is no regular pattern or unique pace involved in this exercise, it is done at any pace and time that suits you most.

Finally, skipping rope is a great workout that tones both the lower and upper body muscles.


These exercises don’t just keep you fit, but also prepare you to take on in performing your day-to-day activities and practicing good postures.

You must not be in the gym or carry weight before you keep fit, follow the above-mentioned exercises and practice it anywhere without straining your muscles with weights or even wasting your time.

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