Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeHealth & FitnessConditions & IllnessesSide Effects From Taking Blood Pressure Or Hypertension Medications

Side Effects From Taking Blood Pressure Or Hypertension Medications

If you have high blood pressure, then I am sure you must be taking some medication for this disorder.

For those people who can not control their pressure with one medication, their doctor will prescribe more than one medications to control the BP.

One thing you should realize is that you will need to take the medication for this illness for the rest of your life because this disorder does not have a cure. However, it can be controlled.

Like most medications, the medicines for blood pressure can cause side effects.

Generally, the side effects that people on these medications may suffer from are mild and they include nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, headaches, fatigue and frequent urination.

There are some cases where the side effects can be dangerous because it can sometimes lead to kidney failure or heart failure.

If you feel that you are suffering from any side effects, you should talk to your physician immediately so that he can prescribe another medication for you.

Those who suffer from blood pressure will have to change drugs or dosages several times all through their lives. This is very common.

When you have just been diagnosed with high blood pressure, or hypertension, then you may not be able to find out whether a particular medication is effective for you.

Likewise, you will not be able to know whether the medication that your doctor has prescribed is going to cause any side effects or not. That’s because all these takes time.

If the medication that you are taking is causing any side effects, you should go and see your doctor immediately and tell him about the side effect(s) that you are suffering from after taking the medication.

There are certain drugs that will reduce the amount of potassium in the body and when this happens, the side effects that you may suffer from may include but not limited to tiredness, cramps in the led and weakness.

During this situation, your doctor may advise you to take a potassium supplement, which can be in the form of tablet or liquid.

There are also some medications that can cause side effects like drowsiness, constipation, drying of mouth, pain in the joints, heart palpitations and swelling around the eyes.

While there is no doubt that people may suffer from side effects after taking the high blood pressure or hypertension medications, no one will deny that these medications do benefit the patients and that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

However, to be on the safe side, you should talk to your doctor if you suffer from any side effects.

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