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Serbia Map - Physical Map of Serbia

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Description: The physical map of Serbia showing major geographical features like elevations, mountain ranges, seas, lakes, plateaus, peninsulas, rivers, plains, landforms and other topographic features.

Serbia Facts and Country Information...

Serbia is a country situated in the Balkan and Pannonian Plain region of Europe. It is a landlocked country but has access to the Adriatic Sea through the Danube River and Black Sea.

The country covers an area of 88361 square kilometers. The country has 19499 square kilometers of forests while 19194 is arable land.

The Serbian terrain is quite diverse as it has fertile plains to the north, basins and limestone ranges to the east while the southeast hold hills and mountains. The northern part of the country is dominated by the Morava River which is a tributary of the Danube River. The central part of the country has rolling hills and a few mountains torn by creeks and rivers.

Mountains cover most of the country. The four main ranges are the Dinaric Alps, Carpathian Mountains, Balkan Mountains and the Rilo Rhodope Mountain Range. The highest peak is 2656 meters above sea level and is called Deravica.

Most of the country’s area belongs to the Danube River Basin and some part of it belongs to the Adriatic basin. Danube is the longest river in the country as it runs for 588 kilometers. The other important rivers are the Tisa (North), Sava (West) and Drina (South).

Political Map of Serbia
Political map and map image of Serbia.

Road Map of Serbia
Road map and map image of Serbia.

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