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HomeLifestyleOne Has To Wonder About The Future Of Black History

One Has To Wonder About The Future Of Black History

Before we begin, let it be highly noted that this article is not written in prejudice, hatred, or meant to be intoned in any offensive or racial manner.

It is merely an observation of the African American society as noted by an African American.

Society often wonders about the actions, or lack thereof of mankind, which have been observed throughout the centuries.

However, few may be as noteworthy as those now being written within the history of African Americans.

For instance, African Americans have historically voted Democrat since the right and privilege for African Americans to vote was granted!

Was it because the sitting President at that time a Democrat, or was it because of the famed civil rights leader who shared the pen which granted those voting rights… an advocate for Democracy? One has to wonder.

Why is it that African Americans have demanded to be called black or African Americans when their largest and perhaps oldest civil rights organization is still yet named the National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People (NAACP)… and, the majority of the organization’s cases for the past decade have been against reverse discrimination on the behalf of white Americans? One has to wonder.

Another oddity noted among African Americans is the fact that a noted Reverend who was promoted to fame as the civil rights leader… was unheard of during the civil rights movement until after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

In a testament to this, how many pictures, news footage, articles, or videos has one observed of Reverend Jackson being beaten, hosed, handcuffed, threatened, jailed, attacked by dogs… or even simply speaking, ticketed or fined during the civil rights movement?

So where did Reverend Jackson come from? Who presented him to African Americans as the civil rights leader, and why? One has to wonder.

In recent years, many individuals have been freed from prisons and exonerated due to testing of DNA evidence.

A great majority of those individuals were African Americans. Yet, still in prison after 25 years, Wayne B. Williams sits convicted of the murder of two adult males with no evidence, and the case closed on 22 Atlanta child murders of which he is accused… again, without evidence.

Yet no African American leaders are pushing for DNA testing to prove or disprove the guilt or non-guilt of Williams. Why not? One has to wonder.

Continuing on the subject of DNA testing… let’s turn back to the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In spite of King’s widow, entire family, and a few other prominent African American voices who have been publicly outspoken in the defense of James Earl Ray (M L K Jr.’s accused killer), why has there not been a major push among the African American community for DNA testing to prove or disprove the guilt or innocence of James Earl Ray? One has to wonder.

Lastly, there is the claimed and alleged widespread racism against African Americans today based on the racially inflammatory “N” word.

However, it is to be noted among all cultures and races, including African Americans… that it is the very ones who claim to be incensed by it that use it the most and keep it alive in their day to day speech, greetings, music, jokes, writings, and other forms of communication and expressions.

And, coupled with black-on-black crime being among the highest in the world… who are the alleged racist devils? One has to wonder.

Are these the new chronicles to be written, rooted, and preserved in black history for the enlightenment of future generations to come? Are these the legacies today’s African Americans desire to leave behind? One has to wonder.

Again, as stated in the beginning… this article is not written in prejudice, hatred, or any other offensive manner. It is merely an observation of African Americans as noted by an African American.

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