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HomeSelf ImprovementTips on Bringing Love into Your Life

Tips on Bringing Love into Your Life

Lots of persons complain about their love life. Their attitude shows that they’re thinking that someone is responsible for their failed love life.

Some hold on to their past lovers and hope they will still return. They strongly hope the return will make their lives complete.

That it will come like a transformation to them. That it will take over their responsibilities ranging from getting things they really need.

Furthermore, they build hope in the midst of their desperation. These kinds of persons seek love out of their own person.

Also, they have this belief that on a very good day, their most sorted kind of man will locate them and make them whole.

Probably, they have this fairy tale mindset that one day; their prince charming will locate them on that white horse. Take them to his land and they will have the best of love ever after.

Alternatively, some other girls have the mindset that they can survive their very bad relationship.

They live almost in hostage and spend almost all their days in annoyance and fear. Yet, they don’t know how to go about surviving the situation.

A good number of the above kind of person lives around you. They’re almost everywhere.

Surprisingly, it could be you. You might be living in anguish and hoping for a day that your right man will come to take you with you to that wonderland.

Let me shock you with this bad news! This will never happen. However, there is very good news you can get yourself feel loved!

How does it work?

You should always bear in mind that life is like an edifice that has several floors.

As you go higher on the various floors, your journey becomes easy and light. As it becomes so, you gain more energy and feel more at ease. Also, you tend to love the journey more.

The process involved in the building above can be applied in your life. You just need to imagine it.

In the cellar or basement of your life, you can find people who make life difficult for other persons. They can include thieves, killers, etc.

The ground floor of life is where the majority of people live. These kinds of persons live life as the day goes on.

They receive whatever their lives bring forth to them. They wake up in the morning, go to their workplace, come back and do the same thing they did the previous day.

The persons on the ground floor of life live life without dreams. They have the belief that at all times; things will remain that same way.

As earlier said, the higher you go in the edifice of life, the easier it becomes.

4 ways how you can draw love into your life

To be able to move higher to the next floor of life, you need to have a changed mindset. The ideas below will be of tremendous assistance;

  1. Decide what you love

At first, you need to decide on the floor you want to be at the present time. Consider if it’s on the cellar or ground or any of the floors above.

This critical analysis will be a guide to letting you know what you really want.

Maybe the floor you want to be in has a series of attributes. It could be the floor filled with your dream job, the kind of relationship you desire, etc.

Having a clear idea of what actually you want is the very first step towards achieving it.

Don’t sit down and expect someone to it all for you. Always remember that you are the only person responsible for your success.

Even if the person you saw has all the attributes of the things that you want, don’t wait on that person. The person will soon get tired. Take action.

  1. Read about how to get to what you love

As earlier said, it’s good to make a decision. It’s also important that you take action.

The very necessary action to take here is to read about all you desire to have.

Having proper information concerning your desire will go a long way towards making you a better person.

If it’s a particular job that you love, read up the criteria for getting that kind of job.

Also, if you love to have a true relationship, read up articles that can guide you towards achieving it. You can find great write-ups on the internet or in workshops or books.

Most importantly, bear in mind that the essence of reading is to help shape your behavior and thoughts.

The idea here is to do whatever it takes to get there. Remember, that doesn’t include letting someone do it for you.

  1. Surround yourself with loving persons

Successful and happy people usually are people surrounded by loving persons. These persons are those that believe so much in them.

They encourage them to love themselves more by supporting their right decisions.

Remember not to allow anybody to take hold of the greater part of you. This is important because when they let you down, you’ll fall.

When you make this kind of fall, you might not easily rise. Another important reason for not allowing someone to carry you is that, when you’re carried, your success doesn’t last.

That’s because you were using someone else’s energy.

Similarly, in this context, surrounding yourself with loving people will help you bring love into your life.

They will spur you into achieving whatever it is that you desire. On the contrary, surrounding yourself with the persons that don’t love you will make you’ll reduce your progress.

They will discourage you and eventually reduce you into hating yourself. Therefore, watch out for persons that oppose or sabotage your development and dearly avoid them.

  1. Learn to love yourself

Self-love is very important in whatever floor you’re in the building of life. Without loving yourself, you’re bound to never make progress.

Loving yourself will bring out the confidence in you. It’ll also, allow you to know your worth and appreciate the level you’re.

More so, loving yourself will make you happy and lets others love you too. If you really have that self-love, it will be obvious.

To start loving yourself, firstly start taking care of yourself. Surprise yourself, give yourself a break and focus on the things that interest you.

By so doing, you will feel great love from the inside and draw reasonable people to yourself. Self-love will help you get to your destination easily.


The ideas in this post will be very beneficial to both your relationship and your life in general.

When you have brought love into your life, the persons not on the same floor of your life edifice will wonder. They won’t be able to easily associate with you.

If you’re on the 18th floor and the person you’re having a sore relationship with is in the basement, he won’t be able to easily meet up with you.

All these are all benefits of loving yourself. Practice it and see the difference.

The same way you’ve made your decision, others should too. Don’t however make the mistake of trying to draw somebody up.

Everyone has his or her own energy. Allow them to make their decision and use their energy to pull themselves up.

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