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HomeSelf ImprovementMotivation10 Proven Ways to Become The Best Version of Yourself This Year

10 Proven Ways to Become The Best Version of Yourself This Year

Ways to Become The Best Version of Yourself This Year

Every year, many people ask “how do I become the best version of myself?” almost everyone wants to become the best version of themselves, but few do really achieve it.

We’re our own worst enemies when it comes to achieving success, chasing our dreams, and living a life that’s filled with passion and purpose.

Some ugly past have make some people to be self destructive without knowing it and others are conscious of the fact, but lack the knowledge in order to improve.

People sometimes feel like something is missing in their life, and they put it off until later. Instead of waiting to be happy, define your goals and start living the life you want. Read this article for tips on personal development it will help you to be who you really are.

  1. Strive to achieve your goals

The realization of one’s goal in life brings happiness. Your ability to decide what you want, begin, and then to persist through all obstacles and difficulties until you achieve your goal that is great happiness.

Some people are afraid to set the goals because they worry about what other people will think when they can’t achieve it.

It’s important to realize that failure is a natural part of life and doesn’t signal the end of the world, keep trying.

Many successful people you know today have failed in their one goal or the other such as Michael Jordan, Richard Branson, and Bill Gates have all failed at some point in their life.

Failure is needed because that’s when valuable insights are learned that can drive you to become highly successful in life.

  1. Try new hobbies

Trying out new things out helps to build you, it makes you to believe in yourself and what you can do. Trying out a new hobby helps you to push forward.

By trying out a new hobby you are learning how to do it yourself. It increases yourself trust and that help to improve you and you will be happy with yourself.

There are lots of things you can do such as reading books, working on anything that needs fixing around your house, make your own clothes or give your friends self-made presents, watch online documentaries, learn new things, gardening, go camping, play games, listen to music and more.

  1. Take advantage of opportunities

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. Champions are men with courage and confidence who take every obstacle as an opportunity to break records among achievers.

Greek Philosopher Plutarch wrote, ‘As bees extract honey from thyme, the strongest and driest of herbs, so sensible men often get advantage and profit from the most awkward circumstances.’’

The only preparation to take advantage of them is to watch what each day brings. Opportunities give you a chance for advancement and progress in life, do not misuse any chance that comes your way rather take advantage of it.

Pay good attention to information, ask questions, share, and collect information. When you are walking in and out of different places, put your phone down and notice the things that are happening around you.

Build good attention to form part of your habit. Listen more, talk less, and you will grow as a person.

Share your ideas with people after you listen and take in information. When new opportunities open up, people will naturally think of you.

  1. Don’t fall into a strict routine

Develop yourself with flexible routine. If you fall into a strict routine it will make you to lose focus of yourself as you won’t have time to develop yourself.

Daily routine are good for an individual but falling into the strict ones is not advisable for your personal growth.

Strict routine may not make you to be more productive or just bring a little more consistency into your life; a normal routine may be the thing for you.

Although routines can be fun, help keep you organized, and make you much more efficient with your time but when it is stricter it can make you to less consistency and you may even consider quitting as an option.

Try and set goals for your routine, arrange you routine according to your time, be dedicated to the one you can do one step at a time and easily incorporate a daily routine into your life.

  1. Spend time with friends

If you want to become the best version of yourself learn to spend quality time with friends. A friend can tell you things you don’t know about yourself and how you can use them.

Friendship multiplies the good life and divides the evil. Spending time with friends broadens your life horizon, as you get to learn some things about life from them. They help to keep you focused in life and keep you motivated.

Try to define your friends, there are friends that you look up to and some are centered around pleasant situations while others keep add more positive value on your life, go closer to those one that assist you to achieve your personal goals.

  1. Reflect with a journal

Reflecting with a journal helps in self improvement. Always reflect with that your recorded idea, thoughts and experience by that you keep learning every day.

Journal is where you write then your goals and some of your intentions, it advisable to take sometimes to reflect on your goals.

Try and find out those things that you need to improve in your life, why you want to do it, and what it means to you. This reflection can help you to see the importance of a goal.

You should as well reflect on the effort you are making toward achieving the goals. Writing down what progress you’ve made, what progress you expected to make, and why you haven’t gotten as far as you’d hoped or why you’re farther than you thought you’d be can help you determine your next steps and assess other related goals.

  1. Travel

Travel helps an individual in self development. When you travel you learn new things and keep imagining yourself acting out a role and actually achieving your goal in stages.

It also reduces your blood pressure and other stress system. Studies confirm that travelling contribute not only to happiness, but also help us to know ourselves better and build our self confidence.

Staying in one place is one of the ways to become an ignorant and self-absorbed person, in order to improve your personal life, you need to travel it will you to expands your conscious and perception and changes your character for the better.

It’s amazing mingle with other new friends people, who have no idea about your life and who owe you nothing, offer help and support.

When visiting foreign countries you face different traditions, lifestyle and norms of behavior, which teach you tolerance and acceptance, when you see something with your own eyes you are more likely not to forget.

  1. Find your weaknesses

You need to find out your weaknesses for you to be your best. Eliminate anything that is holding you back for you to become the best. Your weakness can draw you back in achieving yourself.

Most times it is hard to identify your own weakness but friends can help you to point them out for your, it is advisable to go to trusted friends or family they may help you to point out your weaknesses.

If you are on a job, look at past evaluations to see what supervisors have said about you. This is a good way to get started.

  1. Don’t waste time

Procrastination will not help you to be the best of you, avoid wasting time because lost time can never be found.

If you keep wasting time you will never be successful at anything. Each time you delay actions on your works, you distract your attention from progress. Value every minute of your time and work towards something and you will be happy with yourself.

  1. Stop watching excessive TV

It has been proven by researchers that watching too much television can kill some of your personal motivation.  It leads to loss of self control, it takes away your time you would have use to do something for yourself. You can never become your best if you can sit in front of a television more than five or six hours.

Watching television in early morning and in the evening when you get back from work is better time to watch television. Create a goal for yourself to limit your TV usage to less than half of this time. Aim to watch less than four hours per day.

List all the shows that you watch in a day, cut out some from your list. Perhaps you do not enjoy some of these much lately or feel that they are a waste of your time. Cut them and continue watching those that you are most interested.

If you aren’t happy with how things are going, or even if you feel like you could live better, do something about it. Instead of waiting to win the lottery, work towards your goals, and achieve. Remember these tips on personal development to make sure you’re as happy as possible.

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