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Arizona Map - Geographical Map of Arizona

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Description: The Geographical map of Arizona with road routes from cities to towns, road intersections, US highways and State routes.

Arizona State Facts and Brief Information...

Arizona State is located in the South West USA and is probably the home of the most spectacular landscapes in all the USA. Well-known magnificent sites are the Grand Canyon, the Petrified Forest National Park and the Painted Desert National Park, to name a few.

To the north canyons intertwine with mountain steams, pine forests, alpine meadows and snow-capped volcanoes, while in the south and west the red deserts reign in red-hued splendor with striking rock formations, seemingly sculpted and carved in rock. Here one may also visit the ghost towns left after the gold and silver mining days under the canopy of never-ending blue skies.

The immense Navajo Reservation is the home to over 250,000 Navajo that work art in the form of silver jewelry and various other artifacts. Here Navajo guides lead tourists on horseback through the Canyon de Chelly National Monument.

Phoenix, the capital is also the largest city in Arizona and is close to Scottsdale, which is the number one holiday resort in the state. In both of these cities one can find great accommodation facilities and attractions, with art galleries and cultural events. Golf courses in Phoenix are also amongst some of the best in the USA, offering over 200 different sites.

The climate in Arizona is warm and pleasant all year round, although in mountain areas, including Flagstaff can get colder in winter and cool in the summer. Temperatures in the desert vary considerably from daytime to nighttime.

Counties and Road Map of Arizona
Counties and Road map and map image of Arizona.

Physical Map of Arizona
Physical map and map image of Arizona.

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