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6 Effective Ways on How to Regulate Your Flaws

Effective Ways on How to Regulate Your Flaws

Everybody has flaws. Hygiene, prejudices, anger and or jealousy all top the charts and are pretty much universal traits. Learning how to cope with these flaws can help you not only be a better friend but a better person.

  1. Don’t be selfish

You don’t have to be self-centred, always devoted to caring for yourself. Learn to love one another. Put into consideration another person’s feeling before taking an action. Live a life of selflessness. Care for your friends and loved ones. Always show concern to one another and make everybody around you to be happy.

Research shows that people who help others are usually the happier people in society because they will always be appreciated especially if the help is not called for.

Help people especially if they didn’t ask for your help but really need help. Try not to always think about yourself but also consider the people around you.

Consider allowing other people to do things before you do and stop for a while in always wanting things first. Allow others benefit from a thing before you do. Consider yourself as the same with any other person around you and don’t always feel superior.

If you have a sense of allocating respect to others the way you think you also deserve, you can go a long way towards getting away from your selfish attitude.

  1. Avoid always blaming others

Don’t automatically look for other people to blame. Stop blaming people for your mistakes, pick up the chaff and move on with your life.

Sometimes we blame people because we want to protect ourselves and feel safe instead of taking responsibility for the situation at hand. We push things to others and think that maybe life is not been fair to you and you don’t have to admit what has happened as being your fault.

Blaming other persons makes you incapable of catering for your mistakes. It makes you look like you are perfect whereas you are not.

It makes you put your responsibilities into someone else’s hands and this turns you away from the challenges of life and hurts people around you.

It is totally good to avoid blaming others and take ownership, challenges, and responsibilities as a way of regulating your flaws.

To effectively achieve avoiding to blame other persons, you have to consider how the person blamed feels after you put the blame on them. Try putting yourself in that situation and condition and then you will see how bad you make others feel.

  1. Discover your nature

Think about your personal nature and what you do. Always have a reflection of yourself. What you really are and what your being is all about. Identify those habits that you have cultivated that hurt people around you and sometimes hurt you too. It could be that you are easily angry or overly jealous about the achievements of the people around you.

Identify those things that when you do them, you feel great joy in your heart. Think about those things that when you start doing, you don’t feel like stopping or giving up already.

After identifying the things that give you joy then figure out those things that you do that give you and people around you sorrow. Try to practice replacing the things that give you sorrow with those that give you great joy. You will discover that you are a step away from your flaws.

  1. Look for a better way to take care of a problem

Analyze a situation differently than you normally would. Always see a situation in a different way.  In analyzing situations make use of logical and critical thinking.

Look for a better way to take care of a problem. Be rational, not emotional. Don’t let your emotions get in your way, always be reasonable before taking any action. Don’t always do things out of your feelings, be logical, and always think wise.

When you are faced with a problem, try to understand what actually caused the problem, and discover if it’s caused by a mistake or on purpose.

Whichever situation that caused the problem, try not to judge but always be empathetic. Remember that no one is perfect and that we all have flaws and then this realization will make you change the way you view the problems that surround you.

You have to be partly responsible for anything that happens to you. When a problem comes your way, think critically on how best to solve the problem and take up full responsibility.

  1. Consult your friends for a truthful analysis of your behaviour

Ask your friends for a truthful analysis of your behavior. Sometimes you might not get to know your flaws only by yourself that is why you need to consult your friends and ask them some questions about yourself. Let them tell you what your behavior looks like it will help you to discover some areas you don’t really know about yourself and how you can adjust to it.

Listening to other person’s view of your attitude is a bold step towards regulating your flaws because at that point you are ready to make amends and you are certainly convinced that those views can be a lot more helpful to you.

  1. Accept truthful advice from people

Consider advice if it has a grain of truth. Take and heed to advise from your friends or people that are higher than you if it contains some element of truth in it.

It is really important also that you should filter all that you have heard and discover how genuine the person talking to you could be.

That is also why it is very important to go to the person you know that really cares about you. When you realize the advice is very truthful, then the best thing to do is to accept their advice and follow whatever you are told in order to transform your flaws positively.

Accepting truthful advice from a friend seems to be very important because the person knows you too well and cares about you. The singular act of telling you the truth shows they are concerned and want a stronger and better you.


While you don’t necessarily have to become a saint, at least acknowledging your flaws can be a vital step towards becoming, if not a better person, at least someone who is actively conscious of their flaws.

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