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HomeSelf ImprovementTop 8 Effective Personal Development Tips to Enhance Your Life

Top 8 Effective Personal Development Tips to Enhance Your Life

Personal Development Tips to Enhance Your Life

Taking time for personal development can be difficult at times in the modern world.

Every person has its own identity and qualities, which make him/her unique from the other, your personality is your own uniqueness.

Not everyone what to improve their personality while some want to improve that the place personality development comes in.

Personality is a broad term; consider the aspect in your life you want to work on. If you think personality means looking good and attractive then my friend you are absolutely wrong.

Personality is associated with physical as well as the mental state of an individual. Here are some personal developments suggestions that will help you remember to take care of yourself and to think about the person inside.

  1. Create a free time

Give yourself an hour every day to spend as you please. For effective personal development try as much as possible to give yourself free time.

Create out time for yourself even if it is an hour per day and use it for your leisure time. Spend time each day to treat yourself. Visit places of interest. Go for sightseeing, have rest and think out good things for yourself.

Try and free up your time starts with taking a step back to look at your life. You need to block off at least an hour.

No matter how tight your schedule is to try and make out time for yourself a whole day would be awesome and weekend would be even more ideal. Use this time to meditate, take a look at your life with some perspective.

  1. Stay with positive friends

Surround yourself with positive people that can support you. Always move with the right folks. Make friends with those that have the same ambition as you. Hang out with individuals that are more learned than you and learn from them.

Associate with those that encourage you on your goals and are always passionate to direct you on the step to take.

You can join a club. You’re more likely to make friends with people who share your interests and passions.

You never know who may become a friend, the stranger you met on your way can be your life long pal, have good relationship with people.

Your family member can as well be your pal, try reaching out to the family. It can sometimes be hard to be friends with siblings, cousins, and other family members when growing up, as rivalries and arguments get in the way; but many people find close friends in family members later in life.

  1. Keep a journal

Keeping a journal will help you to keep track of yourself. It helps you to know when you are losing focus on the things you are set to achieve.

A journal serves as a reminder to you for your personal growth. Journals help you to in keeping a record of your thoughts and action and how far you have gone with it. It helps you to know whether you are progressing or not.

Each day you wake up to try and state your daily goals on your journal it is called daily log, it can even be what you did, what you ate, who you saw and spoke with.

The best part about this journaling habit is that you literally have a hand-written record of what you’ve done on any given day and it can help you to keep track of what you do and also assist in making positive decisions.

  1. Make a plan

Plan things to look forward to. Planning is essential for self-development. If you don’t have a plan you will lose direction.

Adequate planning is always essential before progress can be made in any area of human endeavour. Decide on your major objectives, targets, aims and destination. Know what you want and what you are set to achieve and follow that.

Ask yourself what your priorities are in your life.  What are your goals? Try to find out that most pressing situation in your life. What is that goal that supposes to come before other? Know what is that things that you care about and feels are important. To succeed repeatedly and predictably we need a pattern to follow. If you know what your priorities are it will help you take charge and order in life.

  1. Challenge Yourself

You have to set goals that are out of reach. Try new goals that seem impossible to get, you need to know that when you stick to what’s easy, you’re denying yourself the satisfaction of achievement and only minimal change will occur. Find that middle ground with a stretch goal in your personal self-development.

  1. Dress up fine

Making improvement in your external looks is also a part of personality development. When a person meets you, he first notices your external appearance before he gets a chance to know you a little better.

There is a say that said the way you dress is the way you be address, good and clean attire in contemporary fashion helps you look and feel more confident.

Cultivate the habit to dress in a decent and professional set of clothes. Make sure your dress is neatly ironed and you wear laced shoes.

Don’t over mix your color, ensure that the combination is appropriate to suit the occasion, fitting just right giving you an overall decent and professional look.

  1. Follow your passion

Avoid choosing a career or skills that you don’t really like, Chose actions that appeal to you and are in line with your values.

Stay with people you like being around with. Make sure you’re following your heart while not running from the hard issues.

Become a Master in the Art of Living where people can’t tell if you’re working or playing because, to you, you’re always doing both.

  1. Stay happy

Look for ways to add more joy to your life daily. ‘Happiness is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal or goal’’ (Earl Nightingale) Joy brightens ones thought and generates the power that will enable you to achieve your progress in life.

Having positive thoughts generates joy. It will profit you if you are positive and not negative in your thinking. Always be grateful and putting a smile on your face; you are adding joy to your life through.


Making time for personal development in your life will make you a happier person, and it will also benefit those around you.

The kind of person you want people to see you as. No matter what kind of person you want to be you can develop yourself to become it and your character will help you in developing your personality. Take these tips and incorporate them into your life; you’ll see results.

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