Tuesday, January 21, 2025
HomeLifestyleParty Favor Ideas For Kids

Party Favor Ideas For Kids

Party favors are a nice way to thank your guests for attending your party and sharing their time with you for some fun. A well thought out favor also ensures that your guest would remember your party for a long time to come.

But getting the right party favor for your kids birthday sometimes becomes a big headache. First you don’t get the idea, then you settle for the regular birthday favors and in doing so you often overshoot your budget.

But if you really want some nice favors for your guests and also don’t want to remain within the stipulated budget, all you got to do is to be a bit more innovative.

There are many different flavors you can think of which although are not too expensive can be a treasure for your guests in the days to come. 

Make your t-shirt 

This is a great way to engage the kids during the party and provide some fun for them as well as let them have a party favor that they are sure to use for quite some time. All you got to provide them is with T-shirts with nothing on them.

Also arrange for some acrylic colors. Now let the kids have a free run and allow them to do whatever they want to do with the shirts. You can guide them by giving them a particular theme.

What they create is what they will take home as a party favor. Not only would they be able to explore their artistic talents but will also take home something that is meaningful and personal. 

Something useful 

You can also pack some useful things for kids that they will sure use once they take them back home. For example you can pack a set of crayons with a coloring book together in a nice and bright looking bag. This is sure to excite the kids and a gift that they will enjoy having.  

Party snaps 

Get snaps of your kid with her friends and have them printed readily. Next you can put them into inexpensive frames and decorate them. You can even ask your kid and her friend to add a note to the snap. Something very personal and nice. 

Gift certificates 

You can buy gift certificates from any of the several food stations for your kids friends and distribute them during the party. Not only do they get something to keep but also something to use.

Most of us worry that our party favors are a waste of money as no one ends up using them. This is one favor that very few kids would like to go waste. And the budget you allot is also not too much as you can do well with about 2 for every kid. 

Of course there are the regular party favor items which you can give away to your kids friends like the toy animals, stickers and loose candy which can be properly wrapped and packed in nice looking paper bags with their names on them. 

Also, make sure that you have a few extra packs of party favors in case some extra people drop in. Also, consider if any of your kid’s siblings are going to stay back. He also deserves a favor or else he might feel left out.

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