Thursday, January 16, 2025

Snowboarding Tips

Snowboarding is a relatively new sport which grew out from surfboarding on the one hand, and skiing on the other.

Some surfboarding enthusiasts discovered that the board can be used easily on snow too. During the last decade or so, snowboarding has grown rapidly into a sport that is in great demand.

And what better time to go snowboarding than the summer. You get an escape from the heat as well as the excitement of the experience itself.

However, even though snowboarding is highly enjoyable, snowboarders must also keep in mind the issue of safety.

There are dos and don’ts regarding snowboarding, rules which should always be kept in mind.

One must always remember, snowboarding is as safe or as dangerous as the individual will make it.

Most of the injuries occur because of the error of the snowboarder. One must always remember that in snowboarding one may kill or get killed if he or she is not careful enough.

However, snowboarding is no more risky a sport than skiing down the slopes. The injuries that one might receive from snowboarding accidents vary from the common thumb and knee injuries and minor bruises to lacerations and a broken neck.

It is always best to learn the basics of the sport from a certified trainer than just going down the slope without any training.

Once, when the sport was very new, snowboarding equipment were not as easy to acquire as it has become today. There are more than sixty manufacturers of snowboarding equipment at present.

While going for a buy, its most important to buy the board which you are most comfortable with, rather than buying whatever comes off the rack.

There are mainly four kinds of snowboards or decks available in the market: alpine, race, free-riding and free style, length varying from around 100 cm to over 200 cm.

Like skis, the board has side-cut, metal edges and camber. The main differences between the different types of boards are in their flex and shapes.

The trick is to buy the board that match most the riders stance. It is also important to see that the center of gravity of the board is exactly where it should be.

The feet are attached to the board through plate bindings. It is advisable to buy a board with non-releasable bindings.

Some boards with releasable binding are available in the market, but most people find them uncomfortable.

While buying the board, it should also be kept in mind that the plate bindings must be properly placed in the board. If the bindings are too near the center, it will be very difficult to get the board on its side.

If the bindings are too much near the edge, your heels might brush the ground when you ride on the edge of the board.

There are three kinds of bindings available the hard back, plate and soft boot bindings.

The rider stands side facing, with either the left or the right foot forward and the other one helping to keep the balance.

To discover the correct stance for yourself, try skidding on a slippery surface and observe which foot goes forward first for balance. That foot should be the leading one when snowboarding too.

The stance to adopt during snowboarding goofy or regular can only be determined after trials and tests with the board.

One most important rule to maintain while on the slopes is that you should follow the codes set by the Federation Internationale de Ski in Europe or the ‘Responsibility code’ for the American continent.

One must always remember that, by disobeying the prescriptions set by the organizations, not only do you jeopardize your own safety, but compromise other people’s lives too.

The rules are simple yet absolutely indispensable in the sport of snowboarding.

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